Now tell me that wasn't good? If you just told me that wasn't good I disagree. It was good. Actually it was Exercise 4, a semi-bonus track on Bent's album Ariels which you really should buy here. Bent blow my mind like a dyson air multiplier blows out a candle: effeciently, with minimum noise and maximum techno-joy.
Next - Some flashbulb (aka Benn Jordan), I posted one of his acoustic tracks recently, well such is his talent he also owns at electronica, like with this track Nightmares from his album sleep
By the way, you can listen to a LOT of flashbulb tracks, and buy the albums directly from him for a not unreasonable amount of money at his bandcamp page
Anyway's, in an album I feel is too often under rated and blasted for being "pop", a great track that reuses a 80s synth to the maximum is Mylo's In my arms from destroy rock and roll. If you want to here almost perfect sampling and production this is defiantly one of the top albums of all time. buy the album anywhere
By the way - we're putting on a noiseban at the victory in Hoxton on the first Friday of December.
Hit attending on Facebook for guest list entry.
wuv ferro